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Atos Healthcare Sackings

Anthony Treasure formally employed by Atos Healthcare.
Nurse Debbie Carr and admin worker Anthony Treasure are seeing life from the benefit scrounging scum perspective this evening, following their sacking from Atos Healthcare.

The pair were discovered on Facebook calling the sick and disabled “down and outs” and “parasitic wankers”.

The incidents were widely reported in the mainstream press and came shortly before the Government's de-benefitting boot-boys attempted to shut up a bunch of whining cripples by sending them threatening letters.

Source: DWP FoI Request Answer


8 Replies :

esaveteran said...

How sad ,don't let the "down and outs" get you down Debbie and Anthony
He! He! He! Ha!Ha! Ha! over joyed
I hope your misdemeanor follows you forever!

Socrates said...

This comment thread needs a "like very much button"...

Afteratos said...

GOOD!! any more. I'm sure they are not the only ones. 

Socrates said...

We are watching. Ever watching. We watch IRL too...

Miss Ben E Fit said...

I would like to advise those two that they may need to check whether or not they will be entitled to claim benefits as DWP may see their sackings as making themselves willfully unemployed.

Im afraid I cant offer Ms Carr much advice about what happens at Medical.... she should know.  she used to conduct them!

Linda Jameson said...

well did you know these so called docs and they can be nurses!! get 8 weeks training to come to this conclusion? i just had ATOS review and i tell you her eyes where popping out her head and she did not listen to my answers and everything she put down was wrong! dough!

Linda Jameson said...


peeweebawbag said...

Does Debbie want to join Nurses Against Atos ?

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