If there's something troubling you, then get in touch. CALL US 08457 90 90 90* (UK) 1850 60 90 90* (ROI) EMAIL US jo@samaritans.org We're here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. |
ATOS Healthcare - Truly Scum of the Earth |
Dear sirs/ladies,
I visited a client yesterday on a psychiatric ward.
She had been contacted by ATOS regarding a medical. Her response to this was to slice her own throat open in front of her family.
I work closely with some of the most extreme clients with severe psychiatric issues.
Is this a normal and acceptable
We would like to know, that when ATOS were informed 10 days ago by a forensic psychologist and CPN is why did ATOS firstly agree and cancel appointment, then couple days later send her another appointment, where on this occasion she suceeded in severly put her health at risk and ended up back into hospital, which she had only just been released from 24 hours prior.
Hyperbole, no more. |
Is this a normal and acceptable standard and practice please, as currently I have several clients being put through this intrusive process without any investigation into clients wellbeing before insisting on attendances.
Under the
EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES and Reg 29 ESA regulation 2009 it states catergorically: that anyone with heightened anxiety, fear and depression etc, must not be approached or informed of benefits being, stopped, reduced, suspended, if this would cause and exaserbation of client's psychiatric condition.
Story from Bufferzone, Cornwall's leading independent advocacy service |
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