In light of David Cameron's demand that court trials are televised, Mr Justice Algenon Q. Marbley-Warburtons-Thickly is caught practising his summing up in the trial of Palmatier vs The New Republic in the hope of becoming the first ever judicial winner of the X Factor.
Socrates appearing under his real name of Mr Norma St John-Scott is fighting a claim for £100,000, £20,000, a small shrubbery and a super-injunction that will prevent him from speaking to anyone at all, ever again.
The Trial of Socrates
Ms Barbara Streisand commenting from her eerie in Malibu remarked
I'll shout it out from the roof,
I'll give the papers proof...
In light of the workload of this court case the New Republic is currently on hiatus... However it is likely you will be able to follow the events in the Press and the blog-o-sphere...
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Indexed under Existentialist Angst , Ginger , Libel , Psychoanalysis , Satire
4 Replies :
Hey Socrates, that woman is seriously still after you? For fuck's sake...
You should come back to the forums. What's she going to do, sue your butt for even more hypothetical invisible money? This is beyond the point of ridiculousness.
Libel laws in this country are a joke... feel free to contact me via my blog
You are still mentioned with fondness on WP.